Programs & Services


Therapeutic Counselling
  • Talk therapy (CBT) to address anxiety, panic, OCD, worry, guilt, stress, depression, self esteem, confidence, bereavement, grief, loss, trauma, bullying, conflict resolution, family conflict, and personal development.
Family Violence Intervention (FVI)
  • Counsellors committed to limiting the negative impacts of family violence.
  • Services directly available to meet the needs of and find workable solutions for people living in rural Saskatchewan.
  • Adaptive programming for individuals with unique circumstances, those who require immediate intervention for their personal safety, and ongoing support for all those experiencing violence in their family relationships.
Mental Health, Addiction, & Concurrent Disorder Counselling
  • Trained professionals support the process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live self-directed lives, and strive to reach their full potential.
  • Collaborative supports may include referrals to clinical treatment, faith-based services, peer support, family support, self-care, and other approaches.
  • Support is provided throughout recovery, and it is recognized that setbacks are a natural part of life, resilience is a key component of recovery.

Family Support & Voluntary Parenting Support (Diversion)
  • Provides programs to support the healthy development of families and children so they may achieve their full potential.
  • Intensive, in-home support to families and individuals on either a voluntary basis or as contracted by The Ministry of Social Services (MSS).
  • The emphasis is on maintaining the family unit by providing a variety of supportive services which prevent the children’s admission into care.
  • Services are intended to be time-limited and outcome orientated.
  • Families will have goals and outcomes to achieve with the assistance of their Family Support Worker.

Crisis Intervention and Debriefing
  • Professionally led group, family, or personal responses to traumatic events or crisis-inducing situations including defusing, debriefing, post-trauma symptom management, and ongoing support.
Suicide Prevention, Intervention & Suicide Impact Supports
  • Timely access to barrier-free, non-judgemental, confidential support and follow-up designed to destigmatize suicide, increase awareness, and teach the skills required to build compassionate, connected, suicide-safer communities.
  • Community responses and educational sessions that promote mental wellness and equip schools, organizations, and communities to assist people at risk of suicide.
Sexual Assault & Human Trafficking
  • Immediate services available to those being trafficked for service (human, sexual, employment, immigration, drug/weapon transport etc.).
Family Intervention Rapid Support Teams (FIRST)
  • Collaborative, client focused services to families experiencing turmoil across west central Saskatchewan with a goal to lower the likelihood of family violence and reduce demand for emergency services.
  • Intervention focused, but also intensive ongoing support to families to reduce the risk of future violence.
Client Advocacy
  • Counsellors and programming dedicated to providing the tools and supports to empower, build self-awareness, develop self-esteem, stress debrief, goal set, and encourage a continued healthy life-style for clients.
Intimate Partner Violence Intervention
  • Victim and survivor support for those experiencing the impacts of physical or sexual force, actual or threatened, in an intimate relationship, including emotional, financial, or psychological abuse, intimidation, or harassing behaviour.
  • Both women and men can be victims of intimate partner violence.

Court Mandated Supports
  • Mandated programing examples: anger management, CBT counseling, mediation, addiction recovery supports, family court matters, permanent release plans, etc.
Rapid Access Counselling (RAC) for Adults, Couples, Children, Youth, & Caregivers
  • Provided in partnership with Saskatchewan Health Authority.
  • Full counselling session, providing the opportunity to identify the primary concern, and to identify possible solutions.
  • May collaborate with existing supports or create a referral to other practitioners, either outside agencies or from within the Crisis Centre services.
  • Call 306-463-6655 for more information
  • To schedule an appointment with a Rapid Access practitioner, follow the link below: Provided in partnership with Saskatchewan Health Authority.
  • Full counselling session, providing the opportunity to identify the primary concern, and to identify possible solutions.
  • May collaborate with existing supports or create a referral to other practitioners, either outside agencies or from within the Crisis Centre services.
  • Call 306-463-6655 for more information
  • To schedule an appointment with a Rapid Access practitioner, follow the link below: